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Andy Goldsworthy

b. Cheshire, United Kingdom , 1956

British sculptor Andy Goldsworthy sometimes creates art so ephemeral it lasts mere hours, using materials such as sheets of ice, fallen leaves, or twigs balanced precariously atop one another. Other works are meant to be viewed on a longer timeline, including Glenstone’s outdoor sculpture Clay Houses (Boulder-Room-Holes), 2007, located along the Woodland Trail. Built using locally quarried Carderock stone, this three-part work also utilizes clay excavated on the property. Goldsworthy’s site-specific works are frequently in dialogue with—and often nearly camouflaged into—their environments and encourage a sense of discovery and surprise for the viewer. Using humble materials to engage with themes such as place, nature, history, memory, and time, Goldsworthy’s sculptures can feel as if they are delivering secrets from nature.

–Michelle Clair, from the Glenstone Field Guide

Artworks by Andy Goldsworthy