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Jacqueline Humphries

b. New Orleans, LA, 1960

Fusing traditional techniques with contemporary technologies, Jacqueline Humphries is a painter reinventing abstraction for the digital age. She adapts—and often subverts—the formal qualities of painting, incorporating metallic surfaces, fluorescent paints, emoticons, and ASCII characters into her works. Thinking about the analog medium of painting in digital terms, Humphries dissolves the distinction between canvas and screen. According to the artist, “There’s no definitive image [today], just an endless torrent. The screen itself is the unifying element and compresses within itself this multitude.” Rendering an array of digital characters in thick oil paint, Humphries unifies the tangible and intangible through her singularly sublime visual code.

–Daniel Mauro, from the Glenstone Field Guide

Artworks by Jacqueline Humphries