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Lee Krasner

b. New York, NY, 1908
d. New York, NY, 1984

As a central figure of Abstract Expressionism, Lee Krasner’s work influenced a generation of artists, including her husband, Jackson Pollock. An early, important body of work Krasner produced is a series she referred to as the Little Image paintings—grids of small, nonhierarchical symbols painted in thick impasto. After moving into her late husband’s studio, Krasner’s paintings drastically increased in scale. The Eye is the First Circle, 1960, in Glenstone’s collection, epitomizes her late series known as the Umber Paintings. This work is a large-scale painting inspired by nature, executed in gestural brushstrokes in dynamic shades of brown.

–Philip Batler, from the Glenstone Field Guide

Artworks by Lee Krasner