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Robert Gober

b. Wallingford, CT, 1954

American artist Robert Gober makes sculptural facsimiles of everyday objects that conjure complex associations, from the cultural to the poetic to the political. Untitled, 1992, on long-term view in Room 4 of the Pavilions, features a dark corridor-like space that surrounds an interior room, in which a 360-degree painted mural of a forest provides a backdrop for a series of wall-mounted sinks, whose taps are flowing with a constant stream of water. Gober’s replicas of boxes of rat bait; bound stacks of newspapers, some featuring black and white images of the artist dressed in a wedding gown; and barred prison windows, which reveal a gentle blue sky beyond, round out the assortment of ambiguous symbols in this interior habitat. The artist’s outdoor sculpture Two Partially Buried Sinks, 1986–1987, can be seen nestled among the trees near the Boardwalk along the Woodland Trail.

–Elijah Majeski, from the Glenstone Field Guide