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Flora y fauna

Canada Goose

Branta canadensis

The Canada Goose, Branta candensis, is a large bird weighing between 6 to 20 pounds with a wingspan of up to 6 feet. They are native to the arctic and temperate regions of North America, although during migration have been found as far as northern Europe. Canada geese have distinctive colorations with black heads and necks, white cheeks/chinstrap, and brown bodies. Like other geese of the genus Branta, the Canada goose also has a black bill, legs, and feet. Traditionally these birds were completely migratory, breeding in the north and wintering in the south. However, today it is not uncommon for Canada Geese to forgo the trip north and to breed in place owing to the abundance of yards, parks, and farm fields that are in close proximity to water. This is what some Glenstone geese do, choosing the vast lawn around the Gallery as their breeding ground. In the early spring look along the edge of the Gallery Pond for ground nests made of grass and reeds, but don't go too close, nesting geese can be mean and they are faster than you would think.
  • NAT11 03
  • Black line drawing of a flying goose.
    Illustrated by Jordan Awan