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Flora y fauna

Eastern Sweetshrub

Calycanthus floridus

Location: Arrival Hall
In Bloom: April and May
Despite its tropical looks, Calycanthus floridus—also called the eastern sweetshrub, Carolina allspice, or spicebush—is a true Maryland native which thrives along the Appalachian range south of New England. Growing between 6 to 12 feet tall with fragrant reddish-brown and reddish-purple flowers, this is an outstanding understory shrub and makes for a wonderful addition to a home garden. While Glenstone does not have many Calycanthus floridus, the ones it has are notable and can be found near the pedestrian bridge after the Arrival Hall. When you find it, look for the flowers, but also close your eyes and hope you catch that scent of melon and strawberries for which it is famous.