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Flora y fauna

Rattlesnake Master

Eryngium yuccifolium

Location: Meadows, Pavilions Greenroof
In Bloom: May through September
Of all the plants found in the meadows of Glenstone, one of the more outstanding is rattlesnake master. Although native to the region, rattlesnake master is classified as an endangered extirpated plant, meaning that it was once a viable component of the flora of Maryland, but for which no naturally occurring populations are known to exist. Growing up to five feet tall with three-foot leaves that resemble yucca leaves—hence the species yuccifolium—it blooms in summer along with the cone flowers. Rattlesnake master thrives in full sun and produces dozens of round golf ball-shaped seed heads covered with tiny flowers that attract vast numbers of pollinators, up to 180 unique species. It is one of the longest blooming summer plants and its unique foliage and flowers make it striking in any landscape.

–Tim Curley, from the Glenstone Field Guide