The gentle rolling meadows and riparian forests of Glenstone host a thriving population of white-tailed deer. They eat a variety of young plants, green leaves, nuts, and grasses, and have a particular affection for Jeff Koons’ Split-Rocker, 2000. In the fall, their diet includes evergreens, such as white pine and red cedar, and the acorns dropped from oak trees. Male deer, called bucks, grow antlers that are used to fight and rub against trees to mark them with their scent. Deer mate in the fall during what’s known as the rut, and female deer, called does, deliver fawns in the spring. Fawns can walk immediately after birth and have white spots to help conceal them. The meadows of tall grass around Glenstone offer an excellent place for young fawns to hide.
–Martin Lotz, from the Glenstone Field Guide
Illustrated by Jordan Awan -