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Flora y fauna

Common Rush

Juncus effusus

Location: Woodland Trail, Pavilions Watercourt, Arrival Hall
In Bloom: June through November
A curious characteristic of common rush is its ability to thrive in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Visitors to Glenstone are likely to see this native plant established in the surrounding understory of the parking groves and the Water Court. Its dense formations of rigid, spiky, rounded stems grow three to four feet tall and provide a suitable nesting foundation for red-winged blackbirds. Common rush is a resilient plant that can often be seen growing around storm-water management ponds and other adverse aquatic environments. Clustering brown flowers appear at the sides and tops of the stems, which may maintain a bronze-green color throughout milder winters at Glenstone.

–Jon Sander, from the Glenstone Field Guide